04 February 2020

Brief analysis of iCal structure

In my work, I occasionally have to deal with various issues with meeting invitations (encoding troubles, wrong time zone, etc.), so I wanted to understand the structure of iCal (iCalendar).

This is not a complete overview of iCalendar features (RFC2445, RFC2446 and RFC2447). You can get acquainted with the most complete functional overview on the following sites: https://www.w3.org/2000/01/foo & https://www.kanzaki.com/docs/ical/

The analysis involved 8 different iCal emails from Microsoft Exchange 2016 + Microsoft Outlook 2016 environment. Microsoft Exchange adds additional "X-MICROSOFT" and "X-MS-OLK" headers to increase Microsoft Outlook functionality. Fully description you can find there.

In the image below, I tried to clearly visualize links between the iCal file parameters and Outlook interface.

iCalendar Structure