02 October 2016

Exchange 2016 at home

Is it possible to install, configure, and use Microsoft Exchange Server at home with gray IP? Yes, of course. What for? Just for fun.


How I did it.


In the case of dynamic IP and the lack of a domain the best way is use Dynamic DNS service. I used service noip.com to create dynamic A and MX records in DNS, which will automatically updated by my router.

itgeeknotes                   IN   A             xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
itgeeknotes.ddns.net.   IN   MX   1     itgeeknotes.ddns.net

The firmware of my router has DDNS function.

Check. It works.


Now proceed to configure Exchange Server.

Create Accepted Domain:
New-AcceptedDomain -Name itgeeknotes.ddns.net -DomainName itgeeknotes.ddns.net -DomainType Authoritative

Create and apply Email Address Policy:
New-EmailAddressPolicy -Name "itgeeknotes.ddns.net" -Priority 1 -EnabledEmailAddressTemplates "SMTP:%m@itgeeknotes.ddns.net" -IncludedRecipients 'AllRecipients'
Update-EmailAddressPolicy itgeeknotes.ddns.net

Create send connector:
New-SendConnector -Name 'Internet' -Usage 'Internet' -DNSRoutingEnabled:$true -UseExternalDNSServersEnabled:$false -AddressSpaces @('SMTP:*;1') -IsScopedConnector:$false -SourceTransportServers exchange.test.local
Set-SendConnector Internet -Fqdn 'itgeeknotes.ddns.net'


To test outgoing email and the quality of the domain I use service mail-tester.com.

Testing incoming emails. Emails are delivered.

It works.

Our emails have a bad rating for the following reasons:
  1. Bad reputation provider’s IP.
  2. Incorrect PTR-record.
  3. No SPF and DMARC records.
  4. The email was not signed by DKIM.

What can be done in an ideal:
  1. Get the real IP.
  2. Buy a domain and create all the necessary DNS-records.
  3. Configure DKIM.
  4. Install Exchange 2016 Edge and configure the anti-spam filters.
  5. Publish OWA and Activesync.
  6. Buy all the necessary licenses :-)


  1. Hello sir thank you for the tutorial , please how do I get a real ip and if I shosho buy a domain how do I configure the dns.... If possible I will love you to do a tutorial on this too..... Thank you I look forward for your reply.

    1. Hello, Louis.
      Real IP at home, you can get from your ISP (Internet Provider). It may cost extra money.
      Another one way - get small (in some cases free) virtual machines in the Cloud (AWS, Azure, Oracle Cloud, etc.) and install there VPN service. Often, cloud providers provide real IP for VMs/instance. Configure VPN on your home Exchange server and DNS records.
